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This packages contains the following two Razor template files:

  • _Layout.cshtml
  • Error.cshtml

These files should not amended directly as they will be over-written by future package updates. It is recommended that an additional _Layout file is created to contain application specific content i.e.

  • _Layout.cshtml (from Nuget package)
    • _Layout.App.cshtml (new file created and set as Layout in _ViewStart.cshtml e.g. Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.App.cshtml";)
      • Controller action template

Additionally, there are configuration options listed below which can be specified in the _ViewStart.cshtml to set values or modify the template.

A live demonstration of the template can be viewed at

Layout configuration

The following options can be set via ViewData typically in the _ViewStart.cshtml file:

ViewContext.ViewData["ApplicationTitle"] = "My application";
Name Description Default
NgApp Angular app name
HtmlClass CSS class name at the HTML element level
ApplicationTitle Application title, displayed in the nav bar
ApplicationVersion App version, displayed in the footer
NavBrandUrl Navbar link URL Url.Content("~/")
NavBrandTitle Navbar link title Link to home
Robots noindex, follow
FeedbackUrl Url for feedback link in footer
SupportUrl Url for support link in footer
LegacyMode Display in legacy mode with logo and all white UI false
ErrorHelpUrl Url of a contact page in the case of errors
ErrorHelpName Name of who deals with errors ICT Service Desk
ErrorHelpTel Telephone number displayed in the event of an error x4906

The template expects a CSS style bundle at the address ~/assets/css which includes main.css from the Asset folder. Add the following to your BundleConfig.cs

bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/assets/css").Include(

External resources

The template loads the following resources from a CDN and local copies are therefore not required:

  • Bootstrap v3 CSS
  • Bootstrap v3 Javascript
  • Google Font (except in Legacy mode)
  • Favicon and touch icons
  • jQuery v2
  • Twitter Widget (Legacy mode only)



Add markup such as scripts or CSS before the closing </head>



List items to include in the primary navigation bar (rendered in the header and collapses to a menu on small devices).

<li><a href="">Home</a></li>

In legacy mode some standard links are automatically included if the section is defined.


A section to optionally display the service design phase.

<div class="service-stage">
    <div class="container">
        <div class="row">
            <div class="col-xs-12">
                <span class="label label-stage label-beta">BETA</span> This is a new service – your <a href="#" title="Send feedback about CustomerPoint">feedback</a> will help us to improve it.

List items to include in the breadcrumb trail

An area to add content to a <div class="row">

In legacy mode some standard links are automatically included if the section is defined.

In non-legacy mode support and feedback links are displayed if the appropriate settings are configured.


Add markup such as scripts or CSS before the closing </body>


BaseUrl is defined in <head> which contains the site root (output from Url.Content("~/")).