This packages contains the following two Razor template files:
These files should not amended directly as they will be over-written by future package updates. It is recommended that an additional _Layout file is created to contain application specific content i.e.
in _ViewStart.cshtml e.g. Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.App.cshtml";
Additionally, there are configuration options listed below which can be specified in the _ViewStart.cshtml to set values or modify the template.
A live demonstration of the template can be viewed at
The following options can be set via ViewData
typically in the _ViewStart.cshtml file:
ViewContext.ViewData["ApplicationTitle"] = "My application";
Name | Description | Default |
NgApp | Angular app name | |
HtmlClass | CSS class name at the HTML element level | |
ApplicationTitle | Application title, displayed in the nav bar | |
ApplicationVersion | App version, displayed in the footer | |
NavBrandUrl | Navbar link URL | Url.Content("~/") |
NavBrandTitle | Navbar link title | Link to home |
Robots | noindex, follow |
FeedbackUrl | Url for feedback link in footer | |
SupportUrl | Url for support link in footer | |
LegacyMode | Display in legacy mode with logo and all white UI | false |
ErrorHelpUrl | Url of a contact page in the case of errors | |
ErrorHelpName | Name of who deals with errors | ICT Service Desk |
ErrorHelpTel | Telephone number displayed in the event of an error | x4906 |
The template expects a CSS style bundle at the address ~/assets/css
which includes main.css from the Asset folder. Add the following to your BundleConfig.cs
bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/assets/css").Include(
The template loads the following resources from a CDN and local copies are therefore not required:
Add markup such as scripts or CSS before the closing </head>
List items to include in the primary navigation bar (rendered in the header and collapses to a menu on small devices).
<li><a href="">Home</a></li>
In legacy mode some standard links are automatically included if the section is defined.
A section to optionally display the service design phase.
<div class="service-stage">
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-12">
<span class="label label-stage label-beta">BETA</span> This is a new service – your <a href="#" title="Send feedback about CustomerPoint">feedback</a> will help us to improve it.
List items to include in the breadcrumb trail
An area to add content to a <div class="row">
In legacy mode some standard links are automatically included if the section is defined.
In non-legacy mode support and feedback links are displayed if the appropriate settings are configured.
Add markup such as scripts or CSS before the closing </body>
is defined in <head>
which contains the site root (output from Url.Content("~/")